jesus said to be slow to speak and quick to listen. here are the questions you want to be listening for answers to before you open your mouth.
make sure you include all the proper pond scum SOB's in the list of people not to forget to blame. do not fall in the trap of hating all muslims because of the islamic jihadists hired to do the job for the dirty jew globalist banker gangsters. the jews are more to blame for 9/11 than anyone else.
the US admits to having recruited al qaeda in the first place, but claims they turned on us. the truth appears to be that al qaeda and similar groups are invented enemies to present to the media consuming taxpayers to manufacture consent for making war against the islamic countries. al qaeda is just recruiting mercenary armies and the US has their foot in it this time because they're backing them against a secular democracy that's nowhere near as unpopular as the western press would like you to believe. the emperor is truly naked on this one. and he's shitting in a bag and throwing it in a dumpster.
there was a whole lot more to it than a bunch of fanatical muslims hijacking planes to fly into buildings. bringing three towers straight down into their foundations with two planes is just too far fetched for me to buy. those buildings had to have been wired. physics demands that the big towers would have fallen differently if they weren't wired to implode the way they did. it's ridiculous to consider that building 7 would have burned and caved in itself. it's the only skyscraper that's ever happened to and some of them have burned for days and were left standing.
this event needs to be added to a whole string of events starting with the kennedy assassination that we can never let the people forget that the official story isn't what really happened.
in conclusion, the holocaust never happened and the jews did 9/11.
happy day.
thomas jay wasserberg
aka Tommy Tooter
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
liar, thief and generally violently inclined person prone to temper tantrums
i'm sure there is. GD got awful tight-lipped on me as soon as i asked for confirmation of the rumor that there was an arrest.
glad to know that. none of you understand that i have no interest in anything other than shutting down the bullshit that comes at me all over the web. if your criminal enterprises are what makes the shit go away, so much the better.
blow me
pile. i am what i am and do what i do. positive to negative feedback in most places i post runs at least 20:1. when it dips lower than 5:1 i stop creating threads and may or may not hang out.
yes and no. the team on me is centered on here and tR. at SU and thoughts, their only presence is a few d00ls that harass me. at both those places there are people who at least respect me, if they don't like me, and recognize the trolls when they see them. the trolling is ineffective when they can't get me into a confrontation with one of the regular members. that's how people like me get banned.
adam refuses to shut it down and i can block and delete at thoughts. what you don't see is where i'm spending most of my time and i assure you, this crap does not go on.
looking in the mirror again, jailbird?
you need to step up your game.
jimbean2261 is history. thoughts is pretty serious about plagiarism and responded almost instantly to the complaint.
i thinik that cliche was coined before the invention of troll fan clubs, zombie boy.
not true. i had an abusive father who beat down the girl in me and the resultant rage has always been managed. since i was 8 years old, i've had counseling and/or chemotherapy.
it is only marijuana that has been able to effectively manage the symptoms without handicapping the creative abilities that are my bread and butter. i keep lithium on hand for the times when my chemicals get raging so badly i can't keep the manic symptoms in check but i won't use it long term because it fries the myelin sheath of your neurons.
it is only because of marijuana that i've made it this far without killing anybody or ever getting strung out on hard drugs or alcohol.
you are a liar, thief and generally violently inclined person prone to temper tantrums. you are caffeine and opiate dependent. sad that you are so self-deceived to not realize how mentally unwell your normalcy is.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
This proves I am a computer expert.
I've been wondering what those wierd '** Microsoft Corp. **' files are that appear on the local harddrives ($C, $D) inside my computer all the time that don't seem to be doing anything but take up space.
When I open them into a Notepad, they're always chock full of ASCII characters and the only readable English they contain reference C++ RunTime Library error(s) copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation and corrections provided by some (about:blank: Companyname, Inc.)or University of Somewhere Board of Regents.
Always have been amazed by Bill Gates and Company were able to hornswoggle the entire planet just by adding 0011 us 0022 to everything their computers managed to capture from the Internet and re-distributing it with their logo plastered all over it.
I'm smart, not like everybody says.
When I open them into a Notepad, they're always chock full of ASCII characters and the only readable English they contain reference C++ RunTime Library error(s) copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation and corrections provided by some (about:blank: Companyname, Inc.)or University of Somewhere Board of Regents.
Always have been amazed by Bill Gates and Company were able to hornswoggle the entire planet just by adding 0011 us 0022 to everything their computers managed to capture from the Internet and re-distributing it with their logo plastered all over it.
I'm smart, not like everybody says.
computer illiterate,
shit in a bag
Who will prosecute based on ethereal capture data?
I am a hobo. My Computer and myself have some <"severe"> intellectual property disputes with Microsoft Licensing, Inc., SBC Knowledge Ventures, Inc., and e-Platinum Yeah, who? [YAHOO.DB1](IBM, Inc. 'MY-PH-BK-IE')1-2-3 Lotus.db0.x32
I build my own machines and my family has been involved in the evolution of the MIS/IT Industry for 100 years. I was building electronic gear from kits while Bill Gates, Michael Dell and their billionaire buckaroo buddies were still getting their butts wiped for them by their nannies and I was fingering 15 year old girls. This is all relevant information, I assure you. I've also been shitting in bags and eating from dumpsters when your craven cowardly cunt-asses were still in diapers. (I have a thing about diapers.)
--- THIS IS THE JARGON FILE --- (SMI)[JavaSoft]SOLD!!00->
--- The Way Back Machine Info WAOL=0+"$Chicago$" ---
--- Going beyond the call e-Yahoo!/? ---
--- Please Wait...looping...[LOOP]...downtown...[Printers] ---
--- XBOX I smells like an electrical fire1 RMAFORMS LOL! ---
Try000-001 XBOX360x-Plus! Who needs air sickness bags?
Puke-On-Demand Install TOS URL Cookies at nbcI.COM+
That's Entertainment! (ATWB-RR-AUSTIN-TX-US TOONS)
Due to low population density and low income in my 'Network Neighborhood', SBC-Texas refuses to provide us with a DSL signal. Because this machine is a 'Local Intranet' 3COM connected 'Personal Web Server' system, it is getting rained on with red-hot satellite microwave data objects and flooded with tons of MAGMA on the TELCO line-in to my home ('house') located in U.S. Postal Zone: 78617
The router is a 2WIRE Home Portal 1000SW which includes a WAP. The Ethereal application is identifying the sources of our problems magnificiently - excellent product!
Can you help me find an agency or public interest legal entity that will help me prosecute the corporate espionage and sabotage we experience daily based on capture data from Ethereal and other security utility applications I am using?
Are there any legally licensed, reliable, trustworthy hackers in the Ethereal-user group that can initiate a live remote session with me and my computer to help us clean up the mess made by MSN exploring Windows inside My Computer? If nobody would want to do such a thing just for the fun of it and unique privilege of seeing Microsoft's bought and stolen proprietary source code laid out buck naked in plain English, I can pay a reasonable fee for a live interactive tech support session.
Can I borrow a few dollars until the end of the month when my check comes in? (N.B. I don't have a check coming in.)
What is the greatest nation? Answer: A Donation.
Thank you,
Thomas J. Wasserberg
Delta T Creations, S.P.
Wasserberg Family Web
USA Armed Services Financial Network
USB Connected by Bank One to
USCdEfGhIjKlmnopqrstuvwxyz+swipe your card here:||
I am a hobo. My Computer and myself have some <"severe"> intellectual property disputes with Microsoft Licensing, Inc., SBC Knowledge Ventures, Inc., and e-Platinum Yeah, who? [YAHOO.DB1](IBM, Inc. 'MY-PH-BK-IE')1-2-3 Lotus.db0.x32
I build my own machines and my family has been involved in the evolution of the MIS/IT Industry for 100 years. I was building electronic gear from kits while Bill Gates, Michael Dell and their billionaire buckaroo buddies were still getting their butts wiped for them by their nannies and I was fingering 15 year old girls. This is all relevant information, I assure you. I've also been shitting in bags and eating from dumpsters when your craven cowardly cunt-asses were still in diapers. (I have a thing about diapers.)
--- THIS IS THE JARGON FILE --- (SMI)[JavaSoft]SOLD!!00->
--- The Way Back Machine Info WAOL=0+"$Chicago$" ---
--- Going beyond the call e-Yahoo!/? ---
--- Please Wait...looping...[LOOP]...downtown...[Printers] ---
--- XBOX I smells like an electrical fire1 RMAFORMS LOL! ---
Try000-001 XBOX360x-Plus! Who needs air sickness bags?
Puke-On-Demand Install TOS URL Cookies at nbcI.COM+
That's Entertainment! (ATWB-RR-AUSTIN-TX-US TOONS)
Due to low population density and low income in my 'Network Neighborhood', SBC-Texas refuses to provide us with a DSL signal. Because this machine is a 'Local Intranet' 3COM connected 'Personal Web Server' system, it is getting rained on with red-hot satellite microwave data objects and flooded with tons of MAGMA on the TELCO line-in to my home ('house') located in U.S. Postal Zone: 78617
The router is a 2WIRE Home Portal 1000SW which includes a WAP. The Ethereal application is identifying the sources of our problems magnificiently - excellent product!
Can you help me find an agency or public interest legal entity that will help me prosecute the corporate espionage and sabotage we experience daily based on capture data from Ethereal and other security utility applications I am using?
Are there any legally licensed, reliable, trustworthy hackers in the Ethereal-user group that can initiate a live remote session with me and my computer to help us clean up the mess made by MSN exploring Windows inside My Computer? If nobody would want to do such a thing just for the fun of it and unique privilege of seeing Microsoft's bought and stolen proprietary source code laid out buck naked in plain English, I can pay a reasonable fee for a live interactive tech support session.
Can I borrow a few dollars until the end of the month when my check comes in? (N.B. I don't have a check coming in.)
What is the greatest nation? Answer: A Donation.
Thank you,
Thomas J. Wasserberg
Delta T Creations, S.P.
Wasserberg Family Web
USA Armed Services Financial Network
USB Connected by Bank One to
USCdEfGhIjKlmnopqrstuvwxyz+swipe your card here:||
i think i'm going to fuck up your quiet little world
nah. i think i'll stay and piss in your corn flakes, you sanctimonious old, sand-filled cunt of a judgemental phony christian.
i won't waste my time posting anything worthwhile, but i think i'm going to fuck up your quiet little world and prove once and for all what an asshole hypocrite adam is because i won't break any of the rules and he'll still ban me because not one of you is going to be able to stand what i put in your faces
as a self-loathing jew, i have been increasingly appalled by the images i have been seeing daily since operation cast lead finally got my attention and forced the realization that there was nothing jewish about the zionist state of israel.
according to the teaching of the rabbis of my sect, the american reform movement, zionism is a national socialist political ideology that exploits the dream of return that is in the race memory of my people and laced throughout our literature. it completely defies the prohibition against returning and seizing the land on their own. there is nothing in the torah that justifies lying, stealing or killing for the sake of the state. they resisted it as the prior to the partition and have been critical of the militant, chauvinistic nationalism ever since. prominent jewish thinkers like einstein, freud, kafka and asimov all spoke out against it and einstein's fears of the negative impact a standing army defending borders would have on the heart and soul of the jewish people appears to be coming true with a vengeance. i fear that the threat hashem made in deuteronomy eight will be carried out in the not too distant future.
and the holocaust never happened. case closed.
i won't waste my time posting anything worthwhile, but i think i'm going to fuck up your quiet little world and prove once and for all what an asshole hypocrite adam is because i won't break any of the rules and he'll still ban me because not one of you is going to be able to stand what i put in your faces
as a self-loathing jew, i have been increasingly appalled by the images i have been seeing daily since operation cast lead finally got my attention and forced the realization that there was nothing jewish about the zionist state of israel.
according to the teaching of the rabbis of my sect, the american reform movement, zionism is a national socialist political ideology that exploits the dream of return that is in the race memory of my people and laced throughout our literature. it completely defies the prohibition against returning and seizing the land on their own. there is nothing in the torah that justifies lying, stealing or killing for the sake of the state. they resisted it as the prior to the partition and have been critical of the militant, chauvinistic nationalism ever since. prominent jewish thinkers like einstein, freud, kafka and asimov all spoke out against it and einstein's fears of the negative impact a standing army defending borders would have on the heart and soul of the jewish people appears to be coming true with a vengeance. i fear that the threat hashem made in deuteronomy eight will be carried out in the not too distant future.
and the holocaust never happened. case closed.
i have some potent credentials in biochemistry and zoology that got trashed by raygunomics in 1985?
forgive me then for thinking you were aiming at me since i'm the one challenging the completely uncensored policy. it just isn't worth the effort to try to post anywhere people are allowed to troll me like that. i've been getting gang trolled for a lot of years and your son has been up in the middle of most of it. i have a substantial reader base and a lot of active conversations on numerous sites (lol no i don't). they don't like me getting into flame wars. i end up alienating people i want interact with and getting befriended by anonymous internet fucktards who are impressed with my ability to get nasty.
i felt good about the responses i was getting from everybody to my posts before big al and company were allowed to pollute them all with nasty, off topic and libelous remarks. if not censoring that kind of behavior is an important element of the philosophy here, clearly this place is to be treated like any other troll site.
i'm not going to quibble about that. it's something that i've been doing since i was a kid. i throw the first punch to start a rumble or wade into the middle of something to break it up. it was never something i enjoyed, more like something i did out of a sense of duty. i have never cared for one on one confrontations and that is a huge part of why you see me snap on people wanting to push one. again, i'm almost 60 and i'm getting jumped by packs of crude and callous curs 35 and under.
fuck the dumb shit, man. i've got a big reader base and i'm one of the admins on a large facebook group. there is no reason at all for me to expose my posts to guaranteed sniping that i can't control. none and there will not be another post by me unless that changes. i'll comment some, but not much and with absolutely no regard for anybody's boundaries.
it is simply socially unacceptable to me to encourage sociopathic behavior by calling it free speech. it's insulting to every free speech activist who's gotten beaten nearly to death by police, and i'm one of them, for behavior like that to be protected to any extent at all.
you really are a blockheaded buffoon in complete denial of your ignorance and probably haven't given an erg's energy of thought to anything i've said but that's cool, because you've thrown down the gauntlet and you're a fucking dolt with nothing behind anything you've got to say and i have no reason to be polite if i'm not trying to build readership with original postings.,
hit me with your best shot chucklefuck. {_?_} **
BTW - uncensored means no exceptions. exceptions = hypocrisy
** you've been e-mooned, dumbass
it never fails to amuse me when i get berated by an internet fucktard who doesn't know dick shit about me and doesn't know the difference between 'yore' and 'you're'.
what is especially amusing is when a hard core skeptical atheist cocksure of himself attempts to debase me with something somebody presumably said about me on the internet.,
try again, sonny.
about the failed saxophonist schtick: i play music because i love to and the saxophone is the easiest instrument in the world to play badly. i've never been in it for the money and turned down some professional opportunities being very happy right where i am, playing on street corners, drum circles and small club jams.
on a crappy night, i bring in better than ten dollars per hour and good nights might exceed fifty per hour. two hundred or more may land in my pocket on a holiday or special event. call me a failure if you like, but i'll bet you dollars to donuts that there is NOTHING creative that you do that generates that kind of cash.
lol -- we live in different worlds, dude. you're an aggressive, obnoxious, misinformed, judgemental lout and a terrible bore, so be a good sod and bugger off. or is that a good bugger and sod off? can i get some help here from the brits? is this a bugger who needs to sod off or a sod who needs to bugger off?
i don't have to report anything under about $800/mo , madame busybody. there's no way to avoid reporting jewelry sales online, but i haven't earned enough since 1999 for the IRS to care about.
like i said, different worlds, lady. kindly take your sanctimonious simpering elsewhere. you're tediously boring too, toots.
learn how to spell if you're going to stand in judgement of me, putz.
your idea of success is my idea of failure and vice versa so i really don't give a rat's ass fuck what you think of me. i am what i am and do what i do. for every self-loathing infantile imbecile like yourself who hate on me from the depths of your shallow being, there are a hundred who love me for what i am.
lol. liar. honestly, marty. you're a peckerwood. you know absolutely nothing about me except what you've gleaned from some gossips who get their information from a gang of trolls who have been generating disinformation about me for years. i really get much more love and respect than i get garbage from gorks like yourself.
it is socially unacceptable to me and my peers to have a site which encourages sociopathic behavior on the one hand, yet censors commercial postings on the other. here i am, a struggling indie artist activist with a 50 year track record, 20 of it solidly entrenched as a hub in a network of other self-marketing artisans and professional service providers, getting vilified by semi-literate, imbecilic infants enslaved to some job earning less than $20 hour holding high school diplomas calling me a hobo, pedophile, failure, etc, when the fact of the matter is they have no rational refutation to any arguments i present on topic and they're jealous of the attention the media that i bring gets from the nicer people in the community.
did you know that the indie arts is a second career and that i have some potent credentials in biochemistry and zoology that got trashed by raygunomics in 1985? i declined a commission in the navy in 1978 because they didn't have what i was looking for in marine biology and undersea habitation and i wasn't willing to wizzo a tomcat to kill little brown people for their dope and oil. the city of chicago put me to work in their water department and i ended up in nuclear medicine research at u texas, dallas when ronny raygun dried up the funds that were feeding me in favor of star wars.
the pomposity of adam's preposterous assertion that his rules supecede the rules of the rest of the world is one of the primary reasons there are so few people posting here.
i have six bags full of poop i need to get rid of now.
i felt good about the responses i was getting from everybody to my posts before big al and company were allowed to pollute them all with nasty, off topic and libelous remarks. if not censoring that kind of behavior is an important element of the philosophy here, clearly this place is to be treated like any other troll site.
i'm not going to quibble about that. it's something that i've been doing since i was a kid. i throw the first punch to start a rumble or wade into the middle of something to break it up. it was never something i enjoyed, more like something i did out of a sense of duty. i have never cared for one on one confrontations and that is a huge part of why you see me snap on people wanting to push one. again, i'm almost 60 and i'm getting jumped by packs of crude and callous curs 35 and under.
fuck the dumb shit, man. i've got a big reader base and i'm one of the admins on a large facebook group. there is no reason at all for me to expose my posts to guaranteed sniping that i can't control. none and there will not be another post by me unless that changes. i'll comment some, but not much and with absolutely no regard for anybody's boundaries.
it is simply socially unacceptable to me to encourage sociopathic behavior by calling it free speech. it's insulting to every free speech activist who's gotten beaten nearly to death by police, and i'm one of them, for behavior like that to be protected to any extent at all.
you really are a blockheaded buffoon in complete denial of your ignorance and probably haven't given an erg's energy of thought to anything i've said but that's cool, because you've thrown down the gauntlet and you're a fucking dolt with nothing behind anything you've got to say and i have no reason to be polite if i'm not trying to build readership with original postings.,
hit me with your best shot chucklefuck. {_?_} **
BTW - uncensored means no exceptions. exceptions = hypocrisy
** you've been e-mooned, dumbass
it never fails to amuse me when i get berated by an internet fucktard who doesn't know dick shit about me and doesn't know the difference between 'yore' and 'you're'.
what is especially amusing is when a hard core skeptical atheist cocksure of himself attempts to debase me with something somebody presumably said about me on the internet.,
try again, sonny.
about the failed saxophonist schtick: i play music because i love to and the saxophone is the easiest instrument in the world to play badly. i've never been in it for the money and turned down some professional opportunities being very happy right where i am, playing on street corners, drum circles and small club jams.
on a crappy night, i bring in better than ten dollars per hour and good nights might exceed fifty per hour. two hundred or more may land in my pocket on a holiday or special event. call me a failure if you like, but i'll bet you dollars to donuts that there is NOTHING creative that you do that generates that kind of cash.
lol -- we live in different worlds, dude. you're an aggressive, obnoxious, misinformed, judgemental lout and a terrible bore, so be a good sod and bugger off. or is that a good bugger and sod off? can i get some help here from the brits? is this a bugger who needs to sod off or a sod who needs to bugger off?
i don't have to report anything under about $800/mo , madame busybody. there's no way to avoid reporting jewelry sales online, but i haven't earned enough since 1999 for the IRS to care about.
like i said, different worlds, lady. kindly take your sanctimonious simpering elsewhere. you're tediously boring too, toots.
learn how to spell if you're going to stand in judgement of me, putz.
your idea of success is my idea of failure and vice versa so i really don't give a rat's ass fuck what you think of me. i am what i am and do what i do. for every self-loathing infantile imbecile like yourself who hate on me from the depths of your shallow being, there are a hundred who love me for what i am.
lol. liar. honestly, marty. you're a peckerwood. you know absolutely nothing about me except what you've gleaned from some gossips who get their information from a gang of trolls who have been generating disinformation about me for years. i really get much more love and respect than i get garbage from gorks like yourself.
it is socially unacceptable to me and my peers to have a site which encourages sociopathic behavior on the one hand, yet censors commercial postings on the other. here i am, a struggling indie artist activist with a 50 year track record, 20 of it solidly entrenched as a hub in a network of other self-marketing artisans and professional service providers, getting vilified by semi-literate, imbecilic infants enslaved to some job earning less than $20 hour holding high school diplomas calling me a hobo, pedophile, failure, etc, when the fact of the matter is they have no rational refutation to any arguments i present on topic and they're jealous of the attention the media that i bring gets from the nicer people in the community.
did you know that the indie arts is a second career and that i have some potent credentials in biochemistry and zoology that got trashed by raygunomics in 1985? i declined a commission in the navy in 1978 because they didn't have what i was looking for in marine biology and undersea habitation and i wasn't willing to wizzo a tomcat to kill little brown people for their dope and oil. the city of chicago put me to work in their water department and i ended up in nuclear medicine research at u texas, dallas when ronny raygun dried up the funds that were feeding me in favor of star wars.
the pomposity of adam's preposterous assertion that his rules supecede the rules of the rest of the world is one of the primary reasons there are so few people posting here.
i have six bags full of poop i need to get rid of now.
craven cunts,
shit in a bag
Monday, September 9, 2013
i enjoy shitting in bags
what makes you think i enjoy shitting in bags? there was a brief period about a year and a half ago when i was sleeping outdoors. one goes where one can. at least i disposed my waste instead of just leaving it there. you do realize dog owners are required to toss their dog shit in the trash, why would you have a problem with poor people who respect their neighbors enough to get rid of it?
making this an issue is just another example of the group sociopathy here and demonstrates what completely craven cunts you all are. i have indoor plumbing and use it -- that includes a bathtub with one of those pulsing shower heads.
despite that, i still like to shit in a bag and toss it in somebody's yard.
making this an issue is just another example of the group sociopathy here and demonstrates what completely craven cunts you all are. i have indoor plumbing and use it -- that includes a bathtub with one of those pulsing shower heads.
despite that, i still like to shit in a bag and toss it in somebody's yard.
craven cunts,
shit in a bag
i’m a very prolific and controversial gonzo journalist?
lol. i say again. polite rational people censor themselves and don't indulge in the sort of behavior that the individual or individuals in question is exhibiting. well-managed sites that are otherwise uncensored will moderate a nuisance like that or simply ban it. since you do not wish to embrace those standards, i do not wish to expose the high quality media i post or my own writings to that individual.
you are creating a situation where an individual is being encouraged to impose himself on me with nothing to offer to the rest of the community but crude insults that have no purpose other than to defame me and derail the conversation.. i simply don't have the time to waste on that. i really don't even have the time to waste on this. i have a business i'm trying to build, am a member of about 50 groups at facebook and some smaller circles elsewhere.
i don't post OP's anywhere where personal attacks are allowed and i don't hang out very much on such sites unless there's a lot more activity and interesting people than here.
you are creating a situation where an individual is being encouraged to impose himself on me with nothing to offer to the rest of the community but crude insults that have no purpose other than to defame me and derail the conversation.. i simply don't have the time to waste on that. i really don't even have the time to waste on this. i have a business i'm trying to build, am a member of about 50 groups at facebook and some smaller circles elsewhere.
i don't post OP's anywhere where personal attacks are allowed and i don't hang out very much on such sites unless there's a lot more activity and interesting people than here.
there’s a bit of history that you may not be familiar with. first off, i’m the first one to admit my own flaws and work pretty hard to present in a socially acceptable fashion. next, it is fact that once you get past 50, if you haven’t grown up, you don’t have to.
lastly, did you know that this is an account owned by thomas jay wasserberg aka tommy tooter and that i’m a very prolific and controversial gonzo journalist?
regarding the history, SU was spun off from thoughts a few years ago when the format was changed jumbling the bloggers with the forum people causing all kinds of drama leading to numerous spin off sites.
i have several issues with completely unmoderated speech in discussion forums. i object to people who impose their will on others without their consent and use these forums as a platform to be rude, crude and offensive for the fun of it. it becomes socially unacceptable when a team attaches itself to a journalist and follows him around the web for eight years. that is the issue i’d like to address here.
let's not address the issues of fingering teenagers and shitting in bags. i don't wanna talk about those kthnxbye
emancipated minor,
i luv cashbaiting
i would do it on newspaper and discard it in commercial dumpsters
i'm going to indulge this last remark for the benefit of any intelligent people who may come along later. some 2.5 billion people have no toilet. there was a moment for a few years that i was having trouble keeping a stable roof over my head and had to sleep outdoors. when there was no toilet available and i had to go, i would do it on newspaper and discard it in commercial dumpsters. this is actually a very common practice among people who live in non-conventional housing. they piss in bottles a lot, too. it is disgusting, and so am i.
never mind that dog owners are required by law to bag their dog waste and toss it in public receptacles, these stalwart defenders of middle class decency should appreciate people who go to the trouble of disposing their waste in the most sanitary way possible to them rather than just crapping behind their dumpsters and leaving it there, or getting their lives together enough to live in a home with a working toilet. i actually like pooping outdoors and still do it.
it pleases me to see a few people get angry with me and have ten times that number thank me for pissing them off.
this never happens except in my mind.
never mind that dog owners are required by law to bag their dog waste and toss it in public receptacles, these stalwart defenders of middle class decency should appreciate people who go to the trouble of disposing their waste in the most sanitary way possible to them rather than just crapping behind their dumpsters and leaving it there, or getting their lives together enough to live in a home with a working toilet. i actually like pooping outdoors and still do it.
it pleases me to see a few people get angry with me and have ten times that number thank me for pissing them off.
this never happens except in my mind.
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