jesus said to be slow to speak and quick to listen. here are the questions you want to be listening for answers to before you open your mouth.
make sure you include all the proper pond scum SOB's in the list of people not to forget to blame. do not fall in the trap of hating all muslims because of the islamic jihadists hired to do the job for the dirty jew globalist banker gangsters. the jews are more to blame for 9/11 than anyone else.
the US admits to having recruited al qaeda in the first place, but claims they turned on us. the truth appears to be that al qaeda and similar groups are invented enemies to present to the media consuming taxpayers to manufacture consent for making war against the islamic countries. al qaeda is just recruiting mercenary armies and the US has their foot in it this time because they're backing them against a secular democracy that's nowhere near as unpopular as the western press would like you to believe. the emperor is truly naked on this one. and he's shitting in a bag and throwing it in a dumpster.
there was a whole lot more to it than a bunch of fanatical muslims hijacking planes to fly into buildings. bringing three towers straight down into their foundations with two planes is just too far fetched for me to buy. those buildings had to have been wired. physics demands that the big towers would have fallen differently if they weren't wired to implode the way they did. it's ridiculous to consider that building 7 would have burned and caved in itself. it's the only skyscraper that's ever happened to and some of them have burned for days and were left standing.
this event needs to be added to a whole string of events starting with the kennedy assassination that we can never let the people forget that the official story isn't what really happened.
in conclusion, the holocaust never happened and the jews did 9/11.
happy day.
thomas jay wasserberg
aka Tommy Tooter
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