i'm sure there is. GD got awful tight-lipped on me as soon as i asked for confirmation of the rumor that there was an arrest.
glad to know that. none of you understand that i have no interest in anything other than shutting down the bullshit that comes at me all over the web. if your criminal enterprises are what makes the shit go away, so much the better.
blow me
pile. i am what i am and do what i do. positive to negative feedback in most places i post runs at least 20:1. when it dips lower than 5:1 i stop creating threads and may or may not hang out.
yes and no. the team on me is centered on here and tR. at SU and thoughts, their only presence is a few d00ls that harass me. at both those places there are people who at least respect me, if they don't like me, and recognize the trolls when they see them. the trolling is ineffective when they can't get me into a confrontation with one of the regular members. that's how people like me get banned.
adam refuses to shut it down and i can block and delete at thoughts. what you don't see is where i'm spending most of my time and i assure you, this crap does not go on.
looking in the mirror again, jailbird?
you need to step up your game.
jimbean2261 is history. thoughts is pretty serious about plagiarism and responded almost instantly to the complaint.
i thinik that cliche was coined before the invention of troll fan clubs, zombie boy.
not true. i had an abusive father who beat down the girl in me and the resultant rage has always been managed. since i was 8 years old, i've had counseling and/or chemotherapy.
it is only marijuana that has been able to effectively manage the symptoms without handicapping the creative abilities that are my bread and butter. i keep lithium on hand for the times when my chemicals get raging so badly i can't keep the manic symptoms in check but i won't use it long term because it fries the myelin sheath of your neurons.
it is only because of marijuana that i've made it this far without killing anybody or ever getting strung out on hard drugs or alcohol.
you are a liar, thief and generally violently inclined person prone to temper tantrums. you are caffeine and opiate dependent. sad that you are so self-deceived to not realize how mentally unwell your normalcy is.
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