a lot of you already know me. for those who don't, i'm a hobo hebrew-israelite native to chicago. my family is kohani and i was educated by louis binstock, one of the founders of www.acjna.org which was formed to express objections to the establishment of a jewish army in 1942 after the CCAR endorsed it. sure, they prefer not to be associated with me, a liar and sexual predator, but nothing they can do about it lol
they remain the voice of american reform jewry critical of the militant chauvinistic brand of judaism being marketed by the national socialist zionists. that's nazi jews, a perfectly appropriate thing to say.
i saw several archaeological digs all around the mount in 1977. they were vertical shafts then. no telling where they're at now. i'll do a little google foo and see what i come up with. by google foo, i mean look in google. it's exactly what any other person could do, but i like to pretend i have some special power to dig up information not available to anyone else who knows how to turn on a computer.
i'll also dig out some of those extremist pieces about tearing it down for you, but i need to get some sleep. it's well after dawn here. i stay up all night long arguing with people like a lunatic because i have absolutely nothing else to do and am on welfare and disability so i can sleep during the day when any normal person would be working or doing something productive other than constantly being an asshat online. when i return, i promise to equate jews with nazis as i do every day because i am a piece of shit self-loathing transgender jew.
happy day
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