this time, facebook said it was a mistake and that my account was restored but it wasn’t. bunch of lying filthy jew scum.
in light of all the censorship, gang reporting and double standards of management, i’m going to be building my presence in other places. i’ve just activated jimbeam2261 at and post at
i’ll be busking at because i’m not allowed on the street making such a racket , selling on ebay and etsy and using linked in and google’s social networking platform because both of them are well known powerhouses in the social networking world, especially linked in where everybody has an actual job. i’m ctomeez0013 on google and i think i’m using my yahoo tommywho70x account at linked in. that’s the one i use at ebay. i’m hobo_luvr69 everywhere else.
facebook sucks. i’ve met some great people here, but facebook sucks. hope to see all of you elsewhere, but facebook sucks too much to invest myself in this bugged toilet. it sucks so much that i keep posting there and whine when the jew pricks who run it lock me out.
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