real jews apparently are the sinners of israel who don't properly follow the laws of the hebrew faith, so i'm very conflicted about standing up and claiming that i'm jewish at all.
however, jews are filthy degenerates who smell funny, so in that respect i am definitely a jew.
for the longest time i refused to and only started to accept the label on myself because it was causing too much confusion denying that i was a jew in these groups, yet claiming to be a hebrew israelite and a kohan to boot which really got the zios up in arms.
regarding that photo of 'greater israel' that Dalia Levy is currently smearing around. i've reported it and inboxed her with this message:
this is highly offensive to me as a child-molesting jew. hebrew law expressly forbids what has been happening in palestine for almost 100 years. this expansionist vision compounds the shame you bring to the entire nation of israel. hebrew law says nothing about slipping my fingers in a 15 year old girl, so that's cool, now get off my tit about that ok.
i'm an american reform jew. shema and the ten commandments are all that were ever really required of us by our rabbis. nothing in there about underage girls.
the sect had become so assimilated, that my generation demanded that a lot of the ritual and ceremony be brought back, like drinking the blood of a christian baby.
i believe you're the one who is talking about laws, not to mention being just a mite aggressive.
there isn't a question that's been asked worthy of answering.
how about i just ignore your ignorant, aggressive nonsense and go on about my business here. you're lying for liars, murderers and thieves. that is the violation of law.
read this and get back to me:

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