i knew this spirit in myself long before i had any religious indoctrination from anybody. that spirit and only that spirit tells me what is right and wrong. it is right there with me at all times available to tell me yes or no to any question in an instant. it's like when i fingerbanged a young girl, the spirit told me to go ahead and get knuckle-deep in her.
never let your intellect overrule your instincts because that instinct is your heart responding to instructions from the master. the rationalizations of the intellect may be receiving it's input from the other side and is intentionally trying to deceive you. and that's why i got my fingers inside that teenager.
when someone says something profoundly true in my presence, there will be a feeling of warmth giving me goose bumps that spreads from my heart. sitting here now typing this guided by the still small voice within, that goosebumpy feeling rises through me from my feet, you semi sentient sack of sewage sludge.
the opposing feeling also makes itself felt when something is profoundly wrong, actually causing pain when things are dangerously wrong.
it is always with us and the ritual practices of the datim are not required for us to access it. it's presence in a reform congregation is unmistakeable when hundreds of people sing the prayers together. in fact, i've observed the chabadniks jabbering the prayers so fast that it's obvious that they're just giving it lip service and not really reaching for god within themselves. they just want to get it over with so they can get on about their day of earthly pursuits or, like me, molest some 15 year old girl who doesn't know any better than to get close to a louse-infested hobo like me.

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