i wouldn’t even want to speculate on what makes an antagonistic asshole an antagonistic asshole. an antagonistic asshole being an antagonistic asshole antagonistically assholeish can be a real pain in the ass antagonistically speaking, asshole.
i think i’ve answered the question. when i’m in a good mood, which is after i’ve taken my meds (so, rarely), i tell people that tom is somebody’s pervert uncle like me who will crawl into bed with a 15 year old girl. tom has a lot of negative connotations thanks to me. people have always called me tommy tooter or tommy the hobo or filthy tommy or you disgusting animal tommy or tommy the child molester. people who aren’t insane assholes will call me tommy or tommy tooter when i ask them not to call me tom. generally nobody gives a shit because i’m an insane hobo who smells like rancid meat that’s been vomited up.
please expand on that thought some more, fella.
how’s the work coming today? i haven’t worked in 30 years. the last time i did, i was knuckle deep in a young girl.
have you watched any of her other videos? she rants at all sorts of people all the time. she’s a military widow, maybe twice.
she does slideshow backgrounds for audio tracks and i asked her to do one up for teach your children showing israeli and palestinian kids getting trained for a life of violence. it was a great idea, very subtle, and it would have stopped the violence in the middle east but she totally dropped the ball and then went off on me for telling her it wasn’t what i was looking for. ‘
just a generally angry woman much like myself. what she is calling a protracted mail exchange of me harping on her was me cajoling her, trying to get her to calm down and understand what i was looking for. i finally couldn’t take it any more and blocked her which is when she decided to rage at the camera about me.
just a lonely voice in the wilderness who was a friend of a friend who flipped out on me, unlike you who are knowingly participating in this farce.
there are numerous other examples of me not being able to get along with people, but that was one of the more hilariously public ones, you semi sentient sack of sewage sludge cunt.

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