you're fucking barbarians who post from work.
neither mentally ill nor a sexual predator, but you are a misogynistic, fag bashing tool of the perpetual war machine posting from your workstation while being paid with taxpayer funds. disgusting.
whatever miss gleefully join the gang to put me down.
you're an anonymous cowardly bully like the rest of them.
small people who talk about other people and stand in judgement of them to bolster their self esteem and project denial of their shortcomings.
good luck in eternity
not to mention that you all attribute quotes to me that i never made.
you're a pack of small people trying to inflate yourselves by putting me down.
nothing more.
prove it or STFU.
how's the old job today, pail?
show the proof or STFU.
not one is actionable as an actual threat.
if you wish people would stop being bullies, i would recommend that you start with yourself.
GID is not a mental illness and it was beaten down by my father. when i got big enough to fight back to his abuse, i was branded mentally ill. pretty much like it is here. beat on me, i'm going to fight back. that's not mentally ill, but rather healthy self defense.
there are no voices in my head.
how's that job going today, pail?
kma. insist what ever you want.
you're just a bitch rat in the pack.
nobody thought anything of it, prior to you nimrods. particularly not people familiar with the fringes of the music industry.
how long have you dolts been hammering on this now?
tl;dr quit wasting your time with this reduntant rot, asswipe. i won't read or respond to it until i have your ass in a courtroom.
it was nothing 30 years ago and less now. the play you have given it for how many months now is indicative of mental illness in the lot of you.
plenty of people responded and nobody gave a shit. when this started up, i made a point of asking my more conservative friends what they thought. it was unanimous: you're assholes and probably mentally ill (one of them is a psychologist)
do you have the confidence to face me in court and prove these suppositions?
i doubt it.
you and your friends are mentally ill bullies and anonymous chickenshit internet fucktards.
very small people who have little on their minds other than to defame me. pretty pathetic actually.
i understand that the owner of this board is in for the shock of his lifetime and will probably compromise everybody he can trying to weasel his way out of it.
in this case it was simply a matter of seeing if this asshole hobo pretending to be jesus posted something that needs to be addressed with this site's host and the courts.
just so you know, oz hole: i stopped taking you off ignore to see what your latest redundant rotten remark was a long time ago.
you're fucking too boring to even waste this much time telling you that.
whatever this is it is pure bullshit and not good enough to get me to take your blasphemous piece of shit hobo scooter trash ass off ignore.
you're scum and your old lady is a pig.
no you haven't, you ignorant twat. you have deluded yourself into believing that i don't have my emotions under control.
you're an aggressive, full of herself, yuppie cunt. eat shit and die you foul bitch. i am not raging, seething or frothing at the mouth. i'm very calmly and coldly telling you to fuck off with your nasty self and then try to get all righteously indignant at me for stooping to name calling or otherwise offending your sand filled vagina.
oh! did i mention i wasn't holding my breath on you redundant recidivist reprobates becoming more interesting?
no you haven't, you ignorant twat. you have deluded yourself into believing that i don't have my emotions under control.
you're an aggressive, full of herself, yuppie cunt. eat shit and die you foul bitch. i am not raging, seething or frothing at the mouth. i'm very calmly and coldly telling you to fuck off with your nasty self and then try to get all righteously indignant at me for stooping to name calling or otherwise offending your sand filled vagina.

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